So this is part two of the previous blog post i will complete #51-100
51. Sometimes I think my cat is actually a dog in a cats body
52. he sleeps on his back and likes to have his belly scratched
53. he follows me everywhere
54. he greets me at the door
55. he begs for people food
56. and he meows incessantly until i play with him or carry him etc.
57. I though i was over my fear of the dentist but after today realize i still hate going
58. I have come to the realization that i will always be a quiet/reserved person... until i really get to know you
59. one of my biggest pet peeves is when people take their small children to church and instead of taking them to kids church where they would have more fun insist on making them sit in "big people church" and they talk and whine the whole time... HELLO you are not the only people in the whole church no one wants to hear your kid whine the whole time!!!
60. and then they bring toys for said kids to play with... but those toys make noise when played with HELLO we are in church not daycare
61. i subscribe to more magazines than i can read
62. Ive realized what a nerd i am after spending two hours on my day off roaming through a bookstore
63. I have decided to take up another hobby
64. crocheting, i see such cute hats and blankets that
threads of love gives the babies at the hospital and i want to make some of my own
65. I think I'm an older woman in a younger woman's body
66. i cant help the fact that all my friends and the ladies i work with are several years older than me and it rubs off
67. I have discovered tide to go ... which by the way is amazing, spilled grape juice on my moms white pants and after a rub with tide to go it was completely gone... couldn't even tell
68. I think i was blessed with great hair
69. I wish i could save more money
70. and spend less
71. as much as I try to eat more fruits and veggies... i think its never gonna happen, they ALWAYS go bad before i can get to them
72. I consider myself to be very domestic
73. a housewife without a husband or children
74. i laugh on a daily basis, about anything
75. i can find the humor in any situation
76. i love wearing sleep clothes to work but sometimes i wish i had a job where i could buy cute business clothes
77. when and if i have a daughter she will have
these to match every outfit
78. I will glue them to her head if she doesn't want to wear them
79. j/k
80. when i die i want my funeral to be a party to celebrate the life i lived not a sad dark event
81. I think everything is gonna cause cancer in some way, you have to live your life not in fear of something always causing cancer
82. I'm a perfectionist
83. I hate my feet
84. I don't really like dogs
85. I have to come to realize in recent months who my true friends are and who i should stop wasting my time on, life's too short
86. I'm going to Belize in march with my grandmother and mother, a medical missions trip we have been anticipating for many many years
87. I'm really excited about it
88. but sooo terrified of the potential that i may wake up with a bug on me
89. I HATE bugs... of all kinds
90. I love mac and cheese even at the age of 23... it mixes well with just about anything
91. I wish i was a dancer
92. I blame moving to japan on my not cheerleading in college (i couldn't get the training i needed to be up to par over there)
93. Tokyo is amazing though, and it was such an awesome experience!!!
94. I also taught myself to snowboard while in japan
95. I really want to move up north, i love all 4 seasons, especially fall and winter
96. Christmas isn't the same with out snow
97. but Christmas season is by far my all time favorite time of year
98. I am done with my Christmas shopping for this year
99. I wish i could drink more water, and less soda
100. but oh well life goes on
So that's it , just a little bit about me... I look foreword to being a "blogger" and hope you look fore ward to reading my blog :)