Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Little White Cloud

So apparently I have a white cloud following me at work.

This would be great, awesome, fantastic, heavenly.... IF I wasnt on oreintation with only about 2 weeks left to go before I'm on my own. Now is the time when I need crazy drama so I can learn how to deal with such situations as dying patients, patients with urgent and critical needs which require quick thinking and fast reactions. I have a preceptor overlooking all I do my, safety net to fall back on, the table I can crawl under when things go bad... HOWEVER, this little white cloud is getting in the way.

When I get to work I get report and get completely overhwelmed and somewhat excited thinking of all that could happen the learning experience I will have and then things go heavenly, babies get stable I sit on my rear and watch the paint dry as the hours tick by oh so slowly.

Now dont get me wrong some days are busy but not with anything other than many small tasks that need completed by X hour.

SO this is my prediction In about 2 or 3 weeks I will be on my own, my preceptor will be cozy in her bed at home and all hell is gonna break loose with my patients and I will not have her to fall back on for reasurance that what Im doing is right or ok, so I think I need to stop praying for a good night, or start praying for a bad night simply so I can have one or two experiences of craziness so when Im on my own I dont totally freak out and have a heart attack. Tonight I'll be taking care of a 23 week preemie who was born last night... in lamens terms very unstable fetus ...more to come.


1. Vacuum lines on the carpet
2. Birthday cake
3. Getting mail other than bills
4. Spring weather
5. A good book and a blanket

Sunday, March 15, 2009


1. the smell of clean laundry
2. cooking a new meal that comes out delicious
3. a good night sleep
4. Pink Lady apples
5. getting magazines in the mail

I'm Back

I have been missing from here lately, not sure why, I guess I've just been unmotivated or lazy, I have thoughts swimming in my head just waiting to be written but I just have not had the oomph to sit down and unload them. So I decided to come back, to be more dedicated, to unloading all those swimming thoughts.

Some updates on a few things...

Work has been going very well, at first I guess I didn't come here to write because things were frustrating and hard, and I had no desire to whine about it because all it needed was time to get better. And it has, I have very much surprised myself with my abilities at work, prior to now I would walk past these very sick babies and hear stories of these very sick babies and could only dream of ever being capable of caring for them. My old job was so redundant that I felt I didn't use many brain cells to get through my 12 hour shifts, there was not much of a challenge which I wanted so bad... Now, I use every brain cell in my brain and some days still leave feeling like I have no clue what I'm doing, like what have I gotten myself into. But, I have taken care of babies I would only "dream" of being competent enough to deal with. Babies I would look at before and think how the heck do you make sense of all the pumps and lines and drips and tubes, and now, I am feeling more comfortable with it all and I'm feeling more like I know what I'm doing. Mind you I am not alone I have an amazing preceptor to guide me and make sure I don't do anything to harm anyone as I learn, and I also have a great God as my strength to get me through those times when I think I am so dumb and just need to quit immediately.

Don't get me wrong its still tough and always will be, some days I go to my car and cry because I'm overwhelmed or frustrated, but I also have days that I go to my car and Praise God I was able to accomplish what I did, And the day that I go to work and think I know it all is the day I need to find a new line of work because I will never know it all, no one will, and I think having a desire to learn and seek out information is vital. But for now I can say again that I love my job which a month ago I honestly could not say.

As for the crazy dog... He is still crazy.

We have started obedience training and it has gone very well so far, he has surprised me with his abilities. We are working on stay, leave it, and shake. Its only week two and I couldn't have imagined he would do this good so early in the game but hes not perfect and still acts like a puppy at times which drives me crazy... his latest is he thinks whenever I sit on the couch he needs to sit on my lap, which is not my idea of fun considering he's 85 lbs, and he likes to bite our feet which HURTS!!! Its going to take time to break him of these things because when we scold him he thinks it means do it more... not sure why... we squirt him with water and use stern voices but so far not so good on that front, only time will tell.

I'm Katie a 27 year old mommy and wife. Welcome to my blog where I will chronicle the happenings of my life as I find the balance between being both SAHM by day and CVICU nurse by night.

I love Jesus and strive to be more like Christ every day. Running, reading, and cooking are some of my favorite past-times. I love photography but I am no pro, but it helps I have such a cute subject to practice on!!


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