I decided to take one with the bare belly
How far along? 31w4d
Baby's size? 4 navel oranges...about 3.5lbs
Weight Gain? today it was showing I was down to 123 which would be 13lbs gained not sure how I could have lost 2 lbs though? Also I have started measuring around my abdomen at the level of my belly button and this week we are at 35.5inches, I decided to start measuring this because I feel like some days I just grow exponentially and Its kinda neat to see the increase in size every week...Im a numbers person if you cant tell ;)
Maternity clothes? still none however everyday I discover more clothing items that don't fit, I did go buy some tops in a bigger size so I have some more options, I still have one pair of non maternity jeans that fit if I put a rubber band on the button
Stretch marks? not a single one
Belly button in or out? it sticks out some now especially if I eat a big meal
Sleep? becoming more difficult, Landon thinks night time is play time, I cant blame him though since I work nights on some days and sleep at night on others I kind of send him mixed signals as to when is sleep time and when is play time
Foods I am loving? pretty much anything
Foods I am hating? nothing really
Best moment this week? nothing stands out too much
Movement? I'm thinking he is not such a fan of the whole packing and moving process as he has been a wild man the past couple days, not stop movement and I don't mean little jabs here and there were talking some serious kicks and rolls and head butting going on, its actually quite painful at times!!
Symptoms? I get tired easily and my uterus contracts when I over do it, I am assuming they are Braxton-Hicks contractions, they go away when I lay down and I really have to drink a lot of water, I get them pretty frequently though at times and thats my sign to slow it down and not over do it...which is not something I am used to
Gender? a lil boy, Landon Matthew
What I miss? going for a nice long run...its my stress relief, also we went out to eat the other night and were sitting outside and it was perfect margarita weather
What I'm looking forward to? We close on the house tomorrow, move on tuesday and then I can get started on the nursery YAYAYAYAY!!!! I am so excited for this
Weekly Wisdom: its OK to ask for help
Milestone: nada
Emotions:everyday is such a blessing!!
side story: I was at work the other day and we admitted a 31week baby and I could not believe that I have something that size inside of me!! It was kinda crazy to think that my baby is that size and its INSIDE of me...now to most they would think this baby was small but to me it looked so big even though she was only around 3.5 lbs...I can not imagine that my belly will get even bigger and that my baby will get much bigger before coming out!!
Such a cute pregnant lady! Hope the packing and move goes well :)
Love your adorable belly!!
It is totally OK to ask for help. I've been learning that as well.
I'm so glad you'll get to start on your nursery soon. That's so exciting!!
I can't figure out if I've had braxton hicks or not. Sometimes I feel like they are but then I don't know if it's her moving around.
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