L actually turned 8 months on Jan 24 but I am just getting around to doing his monthly post. Every month I think "this is by far the most fun month yet" and every month gets more fun than the last. I just love watching him learn new things and try new things and grow and develop his little personality!
I took him in to the dr this past week because he had a cold and my paranoid nurse self thought it could have been something more serious but they weighed him and he was 19# 15oz so aaaalmost 20lbs!! His growth has certainly slowed but he is still my chunky man he still fits nicely into 6-9 month clothes and some 12month stuff is starting to fit better but some brands are still pretty big.
So far his 8th month of life has brought us his first cold,his first hair cut, saying "mama", finally liking solid food, and feeding himself puffs and yogurt melts!
Just last week I tried once again to feed him some food I tried bananas but I added oatmeal to it so it was thicker and he actually loved it! I also tried peaches which he loved and then a mix of corn, apples, and sweet potatoes which he was indifferent about. I give him puffs on his tray and he actually pics them up and puts them in his mouth, I was not expecting him to actually do this but he did all on his own I was so happy!! I'm so glad he is finally liking food I was getting a little worried there for a while.
I has 7 teeth now! He is going to look like a mini toddler before I know it with all his hair and his teeth. 3 of the teeth are all coming in right now and his poor gums look so painful but for the most part teething has been a breeze, he gets fussy sometimes but if I cant console him I give him some Tylenol and he cheers up, I'm sure those little razor teeth hurt like crazy coming in!

He is just the happiest and silliest baby, every day his little personality comes out some more and I cant wait until he starts talking and expressing himself verbally because right now his facial expressions crack me up I can imagine the words he will say. He screeches and babbles and thinks life in general is hilarious, he is also such a ham and if anyone gives him any attention in public he soaks it all in and just smiles and smiles. I will say he has a temper on him though, if you don't give him what he is reaching for like the cell phone or remote control he flings himself back and throws a fit...already...I'm not looking forward to how this will develop into the toddler years!! Also, he can be content for the longest time just playing with toys but boy when he is bored or done with that activity he is DONE and will let you know, he is certainly a feisty one!

Still no crawling, he has kind of started scooching on his butt to reach things out of reach but really still has no interest in crawling, I really thing he will walk before he crawls, sleep has also been good still sleeping 10-12 hours at night and I have even got him to take a 2-3 hour nap twice this week in his crib! He cried a lot before he fell asleep but we are making baby steps!!